People are often convinced that their poor credit score means they can forget about ever obtaining a mortgage. It’s true, a poor credit score is not an ideal situation for someone searching for a mortgage, but it does not always have to be a deal-breaker. Poor credit score mortgages in Crystal Palace can help a person with a low credit score gain the financing they need to realise their dream of home-ownership.
Obtaining Poor Credit Score Mortgages in Crystal Palace
If your credit score leaves something to be desired it does not necessarily exclude you from being able to obtain a mortgage. Nonetheless, it’s in your interest to try and present yourself in the best possible light. Here are some of the ways you can do that:
- Don’t apply until/unless you have a stable income – Good credit or bad, lenders want to know you’re capable of paying them back.
- Patience – Black marks on your credit history will fade over time. So if your credit rating only recently took a hit, consider waiting a few years before applying.
- Clear away debt first – Before you walk in to apply for a poor credit score mortgage clear as much debt as you can from your books.
- Be honest – It’s easy for a lender to find out all the grisly details of your financial situation. So there’s no point trying to fool them. Be honest. It will help establish that you’re trustworthy.