Getting a less-than-ideal credit rating doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get a good mortgage deal. If you are in this situation, you need the help of Mortgage & Lifetime Solutions. We can get you access to the best bad mortgage deals out there.
We have built a reputation of credibility and reliability in the more than 25 years we have been helping clients in the industry. Even with your current credit standing, we can find a deal that works for you.
How Does One Get a Bad Credit Rating?
Although different banks have their own criteria for approving loans, the factors that affect one’s credit score are similar. These factors can also affect the decision of the lenders you’re applying for.
- Failure to fulfill credit agreements.
- Missed credit card payments.
- Loans that have defaulted
- Bankruptcy declaration
- Entering into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA
- Too many credit applications
- Identity theft
If one or more of these factors have negatively impacted your current credit standing and it has affected your ability to get a mortgage loan approved, don’t worry. The better we understand your situation, the better chances we have of getting you a mortgage that will work for you.